District Heating from Grundfos: It's Everyone's Comfort Zone
Central utility plant or district heating systems distribute mass amounts of heat efficiently to the different users or buildings over potentially large areas. And in the America these large systems are typically used on large campuses with a network of multiple buildings. With all heating systems, the goal is keeping everyone comfortable, and to do that you need a simple solution that offers: reliability, efficiency and intelligence. Grundfos supplies a wide portfolio of products from engineered to order pumping and heat transfer systems, pressure maintenance systems, pumps, variable frequency drives, heat exchangers and controls for central plants, distribution systems and for individual buildings.
Keeping your heating system running reliably
Keeping a central utility plant or district HVAC system running reliably requires attention to detail. Grundfos can help with that. Pressure, flow and temperature are the three main parameters to consider, but water purity and pH-value also play a part in deciding the level of wear and tear in your pipes. However, these parameters can be controlled with a flow filter system and an effective water treatment system, both of which feature Grundfos pumps.
Big savings with Grundfos district heating
Approaching your heating with a central utility plant has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions and heat losses while increasing consumer comfort. More industrial grade centralized plants offer the greatest savings and typically use of the latest equipment technologies energy from multiple sources. Additionally, these systems are typically able to harvest energy from multiple sources depending on the set-up (i.e., solar, wind, biofuel, etc.) And big savings for both the environment and the bottom line can be found by reusing byproducts. For instance, a campus that has its own power plant could reuse the heat byproduct to heat some of the buildings on the network.
Enhance your knowledge
Find out how to get reduced energy consumption, increased comfort and unsurpassed operational reliability for your application. Read our customers' stories to learn how they benefit from the Grundfos approach to intelligence, water and energy. You can also search Grundfos research and insights for more learning materials, articles, white papers, videos and much more content to inform your solution.
How can we help you?
Whether you’re looking to buy a product or simply seeking advice from a Grundfos expert, we are more than happy to help you get the most out of your pump solution! Feel free to get in touch if you need support.