Pumping systems for all types of irrigation systems
For the modern farmer, energy is often the highest single cost item. Grundfos supplies agricultural irrigation pumps that meet the low pressure and even flow requirements for uniform and efficient irrigation. Our pumping expertise and technology ensure uniform coverage despite fluctuating conditions, with pump efficiency optimised to reduce energy costs for running irrigation pumps, one of the highest single expenses for the farmer.
Pumps supplied for pressurised irrigation systems are perfect for sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation. Variable speed pumps and easily integrated controllers automatically react to changing conditions and demands to keep running costs down.
Whether your water source is surface or groundwater, your pumps powered from the grid or solar panels or there is a need for water treatment, Grundfos has a solution for you. We supply fermigation and chemigation systems for agricultural irrigation, solutions for turf irrigation and mixers to ensure optimal biological processes for handling manure from livestock.
Whether you need a one-time service or a complete maintenance program, Grundfos offers a wide range of service offerings to keep you covered for the lifetime of all your pumps.
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Read customer stories about application benefits
When Grundfos is a part of the solution, you get reduced energy consumption, increased comfort and unsurpassed operational reliability for your application. Read our customers' own stories about how they benefit from the Grundfos approach to intelligence, water and energy.
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Enhance your knowledge
Find out how to get reduced energy consumption, increased comfort and unsurpassed operational reliability for your application. Read our customers' stories about how they benefit from the Grundfos approach to intelligence, water and energy, or search Grundfos research & insights for more learning materials, articles, white papers, videos and much more that benefit your solution.
How can we help you?
Whether you’re looking to buy a product or simply seeking advice from a Grundfos expert, we are more than happy to help you get the most out of your pump solution! Feel free to get in touch if you need support.