Introducing reliability to your wastewater networks
Around the world, wastewater networks are being put under increasing pressure as populations continue to grow and climate change becomes more of an issue. As a result, organisations need to achieve more; all whilst adhering to budgets and sustainability responsibilities.
Grundfos can help organisations realise complete optimisation – with a cost-efficient network that scales to meet an ever-changing world, while still delivering reliability and sustainable results.
How do we achieve all this?
Our team of experts work with you; from design through to installation and maintenance to deliver a tailor-made solution. Equipped with a range of innovative, intelligent solutions, we can extract and utilise data like never before to create a data-driven system that detects deviations, so they can be resolved before they become major incidents – preventing unplanned downtime or even overflows. Ultimately, we enable your network to be proactive, not reactive.
With this, you get a complete overview of your network, meaning you have more control and are better equipped to keep costs to a minimum. You’ll also experience higher levels of reliability and the ability to monitor trends, such as climate change and usage in order to prepare, adapt and scale to whatever may be just around the corner.
End-to-end wastewater systems
We provide end-to-end wastewater system design that mitigates risk for ultimate peace of mind. Saving you time, costs, and maintenance. Commissioning and customised service agreements mean you have optimised operations from the start.
Explore the benefits of Grundfos Dedicated Controls in your Wastewater Network
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Discover the many benefits of prefabricated pumping stations in wastewater networks in our short, online course. Head to ECADEMY and take the course for free.
SE/SL pumps: Reliable and trouble-free operation
Download the SE/SL wastewater pump brochure and find out how these pumps keep operation reliable with all wastewater flows. SE/SL pumps come with a range of hydraulic designs, for reliable and efficient operation with the highest level of performance in all wastewater applications. Available in multiple versions from 1 to 30 kW/1.5 to 42 hp, SE/SL pumps reduce your total cost of ownership with reliability proven in installations around the world.
To meet the increasing complexity of urban wastewater, Grundfos has developed the Open S-tube® semi-open impeller, which provides high efficiency over a wide operating range.
Take back control with adaptive solutions
LC 231 and LC 241 controller panels offer users an innovative and holistic method of controlling pump levels. While the control units house different features, they share their remotely controllable functionality via the Grundfos GO app, their intuitive and user-friendly control interface, and their simple set-up and configuration features.
Download wastewater engineering manuals
Service offerings throughout selection, installation, operation and replacement of pumps.
Keep your system running in top condition and experience reduced operating costs, predictable maintenance costs and increased system lifetime. With a Grundfos service agreement, you can leave your service, maintenance and analysis to experienced professionals.
Use our water cycle animation and find which products match your project
Starting with the water network, Grundfos supplies cost effective, reliable and energy optimised pumping solutions for raw water intake; pumping, dosing and disinfection solutions for each stage of the water treatment cycle; and pumps and controls for the entire water distribution system, including main and local pumping stations.
For the wastewater network, Grundfos supplies dependable, energy efficient solutions for wastewater transport and flood control, ensuring that downtime is reduced, and risk minimisation is built into the system.
And at the wastewater treatment plant, Grundfos facilitates reliable operation and low total cost of ownership through a broad range of products and solutions for mechanical, biological and chemical treatment.
Interested in improving your knowledge of this application?
Find out about the latest studies of pumps and systems, where to use Grundfos solutions and how to achieve the best performance, or search Grundfos research & insights for specific learning materials, articles, white papers, videos and much more that benefit your solution.
Get answers to your questions about this application
We have gathered frequently asked questions and their answers in one place. See the most frequently asked questions below or go to the Grundfos FAQ for a complete list of answers to your questions about our products.
Read customer stories about application benefits
When Grundfos is a part of the solution, you get reduced energy consumption, increased comfort and unsurpassed operational reliability for your application. Read our customers' own stories about how they benefit from the Grundfos approach to intelligence, water and energy.
Become an expert in just a few clicks
Save time in your daily work by improving your skills, your know-how and your business with the online training platform ECADEMY.
Click on a course below to start your training now.
Enhance your knowledge
Find out how to get reduced energy consumption, increased comfort and unsurpassed operational reliability for your application. Read our customers' stories about how they benefit from the Grundfos approach to intelligence, water and energy, or search Grundfos research & insights for more learning materials, articles, white papers, videos and much more that benefit your solution.
How can we help you?
Whether you’re looking to buy a product or simply seeking advice from a Grundfos expert, we are more than happy to help you get the most out of your pump solution! Feel free to get in touch if you need support.