An easy to understand assessment of your pumps
The analysis is performed on-site by a Grundfos specialist or trained partner and requires no downtime and minimal administration.
An Energy Check comes in two versions: A basic energy check that uses data from the nameplates of pumps and motors, or an advanced version in which data is pulled from your SCADA system or from on-site measurements without load profile mapping.
The result is a customised Energy Check report detailing the energy consumption of your installed pumps based on variables like nameplate information, pump age, load profile and operating hours.
The report presents suggestions for saving energy and energy expenses. An Energy Check will also help your company improve its environmental profile and meet design standards for energy-consuming products like circulators and pump motors.
Exploring possibilities for energy savings with an Industrial Energy Check Advanced
Booking an Energy Check Advanced is easy. The analysis is performed on-site by a Grundfos specialist and requires no downtime and minimal administration.
Our Energy Check Advanced pulls data from your SCADA system or from on-site measurements. The result is a customised Energy Check report detailing the energy consumption and the CO2 emissions of your installed pumps highlighting suggestions for saving energy and energy expenses, to help your company improve its environmental profile.
See how customers benefit from this service offering
When Grundfos is a part of the solution, you get reduced energy consumption, increased comfort and unsurpassed operational reliability. Read our customers' own stories about how they benefit from the Grundfos approach to intelligence, water and energy.
Related service offerings
Grundfos offers a variety of services all designed to give you peace of mind.
Immediate, predictive insights allow you to pinpoint problems before they become costly failures. With Grundfos Machine Health, you can reduce unexpected mechanical breakdowns by up to 75%.
Select your service option
Six easy steps to energy savings
The Energy Check is an on-site inspection which requires just a few hours of your time and does not result in system downtime.
Initial contact
Grundfos secures a pre-qualification of your facility through a discussion of the types of pumps you use, your applications, your process flow, size, age of existing pumps and other relevant information.Diagnosis
We visit your premises and draw up a preliminary list of performance data and installed pumps. This allows us to pinpoint areas requiring optimisation.Proposal
Based on the diagnosis, we will propose suggested actions. During the walkthrough, we make observations of the pump system.Fulfilment
Here, we carry out a comprehensive Energy Check of your entire system or selected parts before drawing up a report on the potential energy savings.Assessment
Should you choose to replace or upgrade pumps, we can help you select the right pump solution for your system based on optimum performance and energy and cost savings.Follow-up
We will follow up on the performed service to ensure optimal service delivery and satisfactory pump performance.
How can we help you?
Whether you’re looking to buy a product or simply seeking advice from a Grundfos expert, we are more than happy to help you get the most out of your pump solution! Feel free to get in touch if you need support.